Entry requirements: you have a basic knowledge of theater, music, dance, design, spoken word or another art form. Because you work with the group towards a performance in only 15 weeks, it is nice if you already have some experience with your art form. Of course, the teacher will guide you in this process! Working language is English.
In this course we are going to create a performance together that we will perform in the Parnassos theater during the 30 minute festival in June 2024. We will do this around the theme "Memories."

We have good memories, we have unpleasant memories—what if you only have memories or can't remember them anymore? With this theme, we will collaboratively work on creating a 30-minute performance. We're not just looking for actors; we're searching for individuals eager to contribute their talents, whether it's through music, instruments, writing, dance, or visual arts. We will develop and create it together as a group.
About the teacher
Your teacher is Julia Spoelstra, theatre maker. She will be guiding you through this creative process: “As a visual theatre artist, I thrive on involving people in the creative process through their physicality and in a coaching manner. My expertise spans acting, physical theatre and getting other people involved in creating and making. I always draw inspiration from music, dance, and text, so there is plenty of room for that. Although I don’t teach music in rehearsals, I do create space in the process to collaboratively incorporate it”.
Do you want to create a beautiful performance as a group around the theme 'Memories'? Do you want to create a performance not only through acting but also through music, movement, text, or visuals? Then, this production group is for you!
Practical information
- The 30 Minute Festival will take place on Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23 2024.  Keep these days blocked in your calender!
- Each performance plays 2x 30 minutes at the festival, in the Parnassos theater.
- There is a possibility for a dress rehearsal on Friday evening, June 21. Please block this evening in your calender for now.
- In consultation with the group an extra rehearsal day will be planned.
- You can only participate in this production course if you can attend all rehearsals and both festival days. If you already know that you cannot attend some rehearsals, you cannot participate. 
- There is no audition. Before you sign up, please do read the entry requirements in the course text.
- You can register between December 4, 2023 and February 1, 2024.  But: full = full so don’t wait too long!
Any questions? Mail Andrea Poorterman (program coordinator Parnassos): a.j.poorterman@uu.nl