Entry requirements: Some experience in a Theatre form, Bodywork, Performance Art or Dance.
Language: English
In this course we will be exploring the human body through movement, space, improvisation, performance art, action theatre, sound, text and play.
The course gives you the opportunity to get to know your body and yourself better. This programme acts as a vehicle for you to explore and express your thoughts, feelings and sensations from moment to moment with your body. In a creative and safe way, this creative form turns the mind inside out: you come out of the head back into the body again and again!
Various examples from performance art are used as inspiration; think of performances by Dan Graham, John Cage, Tehching Hsieh, Linda Montano, Marina Abramovic, etc, but also Action Theatre improvisation exercises by performer Ruth Zaporah are often used.
During this course, you will work solo, but also together with your fellow students: in duos or all together. Having group spirit does matter if you are going to participate in this course. Your teacher will carefully guide you every step of the way.
What you will learn:
- Basic principles of performance art, action theatre and bodywork
- Learning your body skills without the help of your analytical mind
- Become aware of your own body during the ‘moment to moment’ process
- Learning to be flexible in a moving body while being free of judgement and preference