I am Arend van Beurden and I grew up in a family where music played an important role. When I saw the drummer of my mother's band playing, I knew immediately: I want to become a drummer!

From the age of seven I started drumming different styles, such as samba, Latin, rock and jazz, in the ensemble of the music school in Waalwijk. From the age of 15 I gained a lot of experience playing in bands performing self-written songs and discovered that I wanted to do more with music.

From 2012 I started studying drums at the Dutch Pop Academy in Utrecht. Here I got to know the music world and became aware of my desire to develop further as a musician. I continued at the pop department of the Amsterdam Conservatory of Music, where I was able to further develop my skills as a drummer, arranger, producer, writer and teacher and have since graduated.

I play in several projects as a drummer, performing regularly. Among others, I have played as support act for Jett Rebel and Handsome Poets, at 3FM and during a European tour as support act for Steve Rothery (guitarist of Marillion). Besides drumming, I now write my own songs, in which I sing, and have gained a lot of experience in recording and mixing my own productions.

Between playing and my training, I also have several years of experience teaching drums in music schools. When teaching, in addition to good technique and musical development, I find it especially important to focus on the student's interests. This can be a specific style of music, a particular artist, or even the way you learn best. That way, with your interests, I try to convey my technique, skills and theory, so that you as a drummer know well what you are doing!

My own Insta link: https://www.instagram.com/arendvanbeurden/
The band Malu in which I play : https://www.instagram.com/maluuumusic

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