Entry requirements: Classical ballet 1 & 2 or two or more years of experience in classical dance. You have to be familiar with the ballet positions. When in doubt, please contact the teacher.

Classical Dance still plays a prominent roll in the Western dance scene. People have been performing classical ballet for centuries, and still it has not lost its popularity. This dance technique, characterizes itself through uniquely defined physical movements and a set curriculum.

You will start your class warming up with exercises at the barre. Attention will be paid to different techniques such as pirouettes, plies, tendues, rondes jambes, stretches, jumping techniques and graceful ports des bras. Teacher Tomomi Murata will teach you the ins and outs of these techniques en will show you how to fluently dance on classical as well as modern music. Tomomi combines classical ballet techniques with neo-classical influences as well as jazz. Classical ballet is not only great for the body, but also strengthens your posture and provides for an intense workout!

Besides technical exercises, this course will also focus on theatrical expressions. By the end of the course, you will give a dance performance together!

Clothing and footgear:
Ballet shoes and comfortable but not oversized clothing, since it makes it hard for the instructor to make comments on your posture or provide corrections. If you would like to buy ballet shoes, your teacher can give you advise.

What you will learn:

  • Various classical techniques such as pliés, tendus, rondes de jambes, stretches, pirouettes, jumping techniques, and ports de bras
  • New challenges from classical dance technique
  • Dancing to classical and more modern music
  • Daring to let go of your head and trust yourself